Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Fall and pumkins

I love the fall.  This took a long time but it was worth it.  I am grateful for the Internet for great ideas and that I am not longer afraid to do extra things that have nothing to do with housework (but actually really do) and that I am getting better at doing things that are new and that I could not be good at, just do it even if it isn't perfect and the house isn't completely spotless.  These turned out FUN!

Hannah and her zoo

Hannah has been taking care of a TON of animals for her room mates.  And this is on top of her full time job and going to school.  She is taking care of her own cat, Pancake, and a bird, a snake

Derek Homecoming

Derek and his friend Parker Condie asked 2 girls out for homecoming this year.  I did not get a picture of the way they asked them. (I know, shocker, I take pictures of everything)  I thought this was a fantastic way to answer back.  It is hard to tell what is on the poster board unless you click and enlarge the photo, but it is a bunch of super hero action figures, we loved it!  He will have a great time, I'm sure of it.

Fresh Tomatoes

We have a wonderful neighbor that sets out fresh fruit and vegetables with a sign inviting neighbors to share their fresh fruit and veggies.  I was walking by and saw these!  I LOVE tomatoes!! If I could, I would eat fresh tomatoes with every meal I love them so much.  I love when neighbors are so generous!

Thursday, September 14, 2017


I don't think you can ever do too much service.

I would like to do more service and I would very much like my children to be a part of it.  But, I want to make sure that they love it and feel like they want to be a part of it.  So many times I think that people and maybe teenagers more than adults feel service  to be a drudgery.  I wish this weren't the case.  Although helping kids ENJOY service is a bigger job for the parent or mentor intellectually, I feel it is definitely worth it a thousand times over.  It will pay off in dividends and in unquantifiable ways for years and generations to come.  There are some that feel that we just tell our kids and force them if needed to do the right things rather than doing the harder and more wise job of helping our kids to understand and eventually love doing work and service.

I learned from a very wise set of parents.  They showed me by so many many actions and in just as important words that matched their actions to love service.  First they showed this to me by showing me, and telling my that they loved me.  They genuinely loved to be with me.  My parents never made excuses of reasons why to leave and be gone excessively doing their own things.  They genuinely loved being with me and my brothers and sister.  We were their world.  This is not to say that they did not have interests of their own or did not continue to cultivate their own interests.  It is to say that they used much wisdom and moderation at different times in their lives and ours as their children in that cultivation of their interests.

My parents never spoke of their extreme service, we, as their children, saw and lived their service. We still see evidence in sweetness of friends and family members who have been touched and had their lives changed by my parents service to them.  It is like a treasure trove that will never be fully plumbed here on this earth.  It is a continual box to open with new stories and old stories that continue to unfold in quiet, steady, power and strength in what they do for us as their children and others.  I will never be able to fully tell them how much I appreciate and am in awe of their quite yet powerful strength they exude.  It is like a continual shower of joy and love and comfort that I feel from them just in thinking of them.  I have not come even close to what they have done, but the good thing is that I still have time.

Tonight the kids and I delivered specialty scrumptious bread to 2 people in our neighborhood that we love and admire.  We knew of their need for others to reach out and show them love and compassion. It was a wonderful thing to go together and share this time in a small thing of delivering bread and hugs to our friends that will hopefully continue in the small rippling effect.  I hope that we can continue in our service together as a family.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Derek's 18th Birthday

 The birthday feast, Roast beef, cream corn, Caesar salad, fruit, rolls and Sunday potatoes, YUM!
 Derek's 18th birthday.  I can't believe it!  I am so happy for him and his choices and his hard work and what he has become so far.  I am excited to continue to see what else he has in store.

 Total chaos and debauchery
 Mayhem continues

 The gang together again, silly poses, I love it!

 Derek finally got his ICE CREAM cake.  He LOVES ice cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 My kids, my spare son, Nick, my awesome daughter Hannah, my amazing son Derek, and my other son, Sam
This was right before the "great balloon pop"  Koda HATES balloons.  She will hardly stay in the house when they are here, so unfortunately we can't keep them for long.  We sure did have fun with them while we had them though, and Derek had a great time popping each and every one.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Oh the Places You'll Go! My sweet Hannah

Dear sweet warrior Hannah has started her new adventure.  She is starting classes for her career as a nurse.  I am so incredibly proud of her.  She is working full time as a CNA at a nursing home and living on her own and now going back to school to full fill her dream to become a nurse.