Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Christmas programs for the kids

 December 15, 2004, visiting with Santa at our friend's house.  Derek and Braxton

 I love this picture of Derek and Santa, what a great shot!
 This was such a great evening.  You two loved this.

Thanks Santa, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Love you guys!

 Hannah's 1st grade Christmas program

 Hannah's first grade class
 One of Hannah's best friends, Chad Hurst
 Hannah's Christmas program with Encore
 great job sweetie

Merry Christmas kids!  (you look tired :)

 Derek's Christmas program in preschool
 Hey buddy!

Such a handsome boy! I love you son!

Sunday, October 31, 2004


 Derek and Hannah coming to see Dad at work.  Hannah is holding Cambri.  I used to take care of these kids while there mom worked with dad.  That is Tristan with the tan hat and yellow scarf and that is Braxton as the grim reaper

 Princess Hannah and Spiderman Derek

 Hannah and some friends at the day care I worked at before I got my job with the airlines.  This is at Wendy Pendleton's house before she moved her day care out of her home
 Derek loved to come here with me.

 Here are our great friends across the street,
Hannah, Derek, Sam, Heidi, and Mary Schmuh.

 Having fun in the snow
 Our wonderful dog, Little Anne

Hi Annie

Derek and his buddy, Annie.  Our Little Anne

Friday, August 27, 2004

Derek's 5th birthday

Wahoo for Derek, big 5!

My beautiful Hannah and my handsome son!  I love your excitement!

I will be forever in awe of you two.  I am amazed every day of who you are and what you are becoming.