Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Weekend in Seattle with family

We have come back to Washington. Derek and his cousin, Tate, had a great time together swinging in Aunt Janna's chair.

It is also quite wonderful to be able to spend time with Grandpa and swing with him and hear great stories from Grandpa

Hannah and I went with Derek, Aunt Janna, Stephanie, and Uncle Stuart's family to a most beautiful place called, "Tumwater Falls". I would love to go back again and again. It had great contrasts in the beautiful powerful, dangerous waterfalls moving at such great force and the fragile miraculous beauty of the delicate flowers and the ferns right by each other making the differences of their beauty even more aparent.

I love these picutures of Hannah and I. Hannah is just like this area, a great contrast in beauty and strength and I marvel at being able to be a part of her life.

This wonderful little girl with us is my twin sister's daughter, Miss Stephanie

This rainbow by Hannah is quite beautiful.

This area reminds me of a favorite book of Hannah's, Alice in Wonderland. This area reminds me of the place where Alice was supposed to paint the roses red. This was even more beautiful in person.

I love this picture where Hannah and I sandwiched Derek in between our love.

This is my brother Stuart and his family. Kim, Micah, Gavin and Tate.

More beauty. It seems to be never ending in Washington

The whole gang, Hannah, Me, Janna, Stephanie, Tate, Gavin, Derek, Micah, Kim and Stuart

Two of my very bestest friends, Derek and Hannah, sharing a beautiful day together with our family

This is down in one of Hannah's favorite places. It is the creek down on her Grandpa and Grandma Ely's place. It is another of the many many beautiful places to enjoy in Washington. We are so so lucky to be able to visit family as wonderful as the senery we see.

Derek LOVES Grandpa Ely's birds. Here are some pictures of us sharing some time together in one of Derek's favorite places on earth. I love to be able to share these times with my children in their favorite places, especially that they are with their families that makes it even more wonderful. Derek is so gentle and kind with the birds. He is my gentle giant. I call him my small bear. He is such a good example to me of kindness and gentleness. He always makes sure that peoples feelings are treated with great care. Especially mine. I love to be with him, I always feel better about myself for being with him.

Derek and another of his best buddies doing another of his favorite things. Boating on his Grandpa pond

Derek loves to play chess. This is a set that came from China, a place Derek has come to love through his Grandparents. He and Hannah love to play together, they are both quite good.

Another wonderful day with my two buddies at just one of their many favorite places