Hannah with her b-day pie! I love it Hannah, you take after me my sweetie pie!
Pretty crazy and pretty fun!
Hannah and her friends at the bowling alley. She has such great ideas for fun parties.
Hannah blowing out her candles. I sure love to celebrate with her. I am grateful for all the birthdays that I get to share with her. I know in the coming years I won't be able to share every birthday with her. I try not to think about that and enjoy the ones that I have with her now. She sure is growing up too fast. I am so glad that she lets me enjoy every moment with her, big or small. That she doesn't save her joy for just the "big" moments. She is great at being a good steward over her responsibility of being grateful for small moments. In fact she is so wise, she doesn't treat the small moments as small, she cherishes them all. That is one of the many many amazing things about her. She gets this concept at an such and early age that many adults do not, and are therefore always looking for happiness but never finding it when it's right there in front of them.