Monday, July 22, 2013

Bear Lake Boy Scout Camp for Derek July 22 week long adventure

 Derek's week long camp
Here is Dad helping out for the first day before he had to go on a business trip.

Here is the cool boat that our Ward brought up.  We were so lucky.  It was hot and windy there so it was nice to be able to go out on the boat during the day.
The water was so pretty.  The beauty of the place made it easier to endure the heat and the wind.  I was so grateful to be around parts Heavenly Father's beautiful earth.
Here we are playing in the water
This is only a part of the water tube we got to ride in behind the boat.  The leaders did their best to propel us at rocket speed off this.  But it was fun!
I was working on my Pioneering Merit badge right here.
This is just a picture of the lodge where we ate breakfast, lunch and dinner. 
Here is my 4star accommodations.  Just kidding, I like my bed MUCH better. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

New cooks in the family

Derek and Hannah have been helping me out with the cooking.  Hannah has cooked Jambalaya and has also helped in a new recipe of CafĂ© Rio Salad.  Derek cooked one of his favorite meals of Swedish Meatballs.  They all turned out really well.

Thank you so much to my new Chefs.  I look forward to eating more delicious meals from you two!

Derek's kindness

I sure do love Derek.  I have been doing new kinds of shifts at work so that I can be home more with the kids but that means that I do a type of swing shift, or night shift and I come home in the morning tired.  When I come home, I notice that Derek, without my even asking him, has turned my bed down so that I can get a little nap in before anyone wakes up.  He is so thoughtful.  I am so blessed to have him as a son. 

It has been getting very hot here as usual this summer.  I have asked Derek on several occasions if he would like me to take him to church when he has to go early in the middle of the day and it is very hot and he is in his suit.  His answer has impressed me as being very spiritually mature for his age.  He tells me that it's ok, he wants to walk because he wants to get used to walking outside with his suit on in heat in anticipation for wherever he is sent on his mission. 

He is such a great example of the scripture of small and simple things becoming great.  He truly is a great young man and I love him very much!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Great time at the Provo Temple

 We went as a Young Women's group to the Provo temple today.  What a beautiful day.  I love to see the temple and the mountains in the back ground.  Especially, I love to see my daughter standing with me in front of the temple.  I hope to go inside with her some day. 

What a great day, and great memories.  Memories like this, although they might seem small play such an important part in our life.  "Through small and simple things, great things can come to pass."  I am counting on that.  I hope my kids continue throughout their lives to seek to have as many spiritual experiences as they can.  I love them so much and am so proud of them.  I just love being with them.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

A great 4th of July with an amazing family

 Hannah attempting difficult things . . .  She has Aunt Kelly, Stephanie, Claire, and Uncle Matthew helping.  As always, her family is there to help her.  Thank you so much to my family.  They are there for us in so many ways.
 Hannah is great at not being afraid to try hard things.  Good job my wonderful friend.
 Sitting on Uncle Stuart's lawn with the fam.

 Oh, how I love this family.  I love to see them grow and have great times together.
Derek holding Chase, Stephanie holding Finley.  Sure do LOVE you guys!
Derek with his awesome cousins in Uncle Stuart's tree house!