Saturday, August 31, 2013

Grandpa Smith's birthday

Brandt and I having a good time just being silly on the couch at Grandpa and Grandma's house
Silly is the name of the game.  And Hannah is right in the middle of it. I sure do love my family!
So. . . we had a lot of "photo bombs" here at this party.  This is the first.  Brant sticking his "bootie" out for the camera.
Wow, we are almost posing.
Fabulously cute kids!
Now, Eli getting in on the fun of "photo bombing" 
And of course, Uncle Eric getting in on the "photo bombing" we don't go very long without laughing when we get together.  Great times!
Derek, Brandt and Stephanie
Eli and Hannah, I still think they look like they could be brother and sister.
And the silliness continues, Uncle Eric is King in this area

Ok, so we are not the best at deciding poses and locations for pictures, we still have a great time together and have very good memories we love to reminisce over

Back row: Kim, Janna, Me, Kelly, and Kris
Front row: Stuart, Steve, Eric, and Matthew
Derek, Eli, and Tate, the newest Priesthood holders of the family.
Such a cute picture of their personalities!
Derek and Finley
The kids were good to come out and get pictures taken.  They really enjoyed each other.  I am so glad that so many of us live so close together, finally.  It is just me that is far away.  Everyone else is in the Seattle area. 

Here is Landon, Micah, Brandt, Tate, Asher, Gavin, Chase, and Finley

This is Chase (Stuart's youngest), Asher (Eric's second youngest), and Finley (Eric's youngest)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Derek's 14th birthday

Derek's 14th birthday party.  We went to a space adventure simulation.  Derek was the captain and all the rest of us had assignments as well.  We had a mission to accomplish without getting killed.  It was a very original party and we had a great time.  Hannah is on the left, Brandon, Dalin, Karl, Nick, Derek and Sam
Here we are at our stations getting started
Present time along with pizza and birthday cupcakes.
Outside of our adventure in space
Derek and Dad among all the decorations just before he opened his presents.
I love you so much Derek.  I am so lucky to have you as a son.  You are at such a great age.  I am so glad that we were able to go to the Sacred Grove this past year to see where Joseph Smith received his first vision, right at the age you are turning.  You are such a great example of a young man.  I am so proud of you and how you are growing in the ways that matter most.  You are mindful in how you treat others, you want to do what is right, you honor your priesthood and do more than just do what is asked, you have a great attitude about it.  I loved hearing that you were most excited to get the priesthood so that you could "bless our family".  You are such a giving person.  You have done so well in school and I love to hear you practicing all your instruments.  Thank you so much for your kindness and consideration and hard work.  You do bless my life in so many ways.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Volunteering for libary job fair day

The kids and I have been going to the library at least once a week since they were very little.  Hannah has also volunteered 2 of her summers there to help with special programs for families and children.  The librarians even joked with me when the kids were little that they would base their orders of specific children books off my holds.  I had a list of over 700 books that we enjoyed together.  I absolutely love to read and I loved so so much to read to my kids.  I was so lucky that they enjoyed that time together also.

This is a picture of the kids surprising me at a job fair that I volunteered to be a part of for the library.  It was so great to see them.  I sure do love them!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Another fun motorcycle ride

 Beautiful scenery

My favorite picture!