Tuesday, October 22, 2013

DisneyWorld October 17-19, 2013

Wow, how blessed we are to share an amazing time together for the kids Fall Break in Orlando Florida at Disney World!  We love Disney!  (Even though we just about melted every day! We need to go back in the winter months.)

Derek, enjoying his car
Just before getting on to the ride, "Fast Track" or "Test Track" in Epcot.  This was one of our favorite rides.  We were told they changed it this past December.  We actually liked it better the way it was before.  Still had a great ride though.
The kids each designing their car they would ride on the "Fast Track" ride.

In Epcot in front of one of the many water fountains we were dying to jump into!
The famous Epcot ball!
Another one of Derek's favorite cars.

Just a pretty shot with my pretty daughter

Outside of Mexico in Epcot.

Derek having fun with the great props Disney always has!
Just outside of Maelstrom, a fun ride with our family's history!

Just outside of the Magic Kingdom celebrating the fall and Halloween Disneyworld style

Watching a great parade together.
We love this view.  The Cinderella Castle in Disney World in more ornate than the one in Disney Land.

This is definitely my favorite picture!
On our way into Tomorrowland.  It is fun to revisit childhood memories, especially with my kids who are still fresh with memories of being young kids.

One of Derek's favorite rides, Astro Blaster.

Derek hit a very high scoring bulls eye right away and beat us by a couple 100,000 points. 

Hannah and one of her all time favorite Disney Characters.  The White Rabbit!  So glad we saw him.

Another one of our favorite Disney movies and characters, The Winnie the Pooh gang!

The back side of Cinderella's Castle, just as pretty as the front. 
We love this ride!  To be honest though, we love the Disney Land version SO much better than the Disney World version.

The Haunted Mansion.  We love this version just as much as the white pillar look of the Disney Land ride.
One fun thing about Disney World and Disney Land is that the rides are all a slightly different version in each park so it is great to see 2 different versions of each ride.

Hilarious Jungle Cruise!

One last fun time in Magic Kingdom before we have to go home

Just outside of Magic Kingdom with some of our favorite characters.
We LOVE Star Wars!  Such a FABULOUS ride!  So many different versions, we could go on it over and over, and we hope to go on in 100 times more!

I love you Derek and Hannah.  Thank you for giving me your time.  I love to take adventures with you.  Our time is short before you both grow up and make your own adventures with your own families.  I hope you are able to make a million of your own fabulous memories with your own.  I can't wait to hear all about them someday.