Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My sweet Hannah

Well, an update on Hannah and her health.  She had a problem with her heart 2 summers ago.  She fainted.  We took her into the doctors and we found our her heart rate was in the low 40's.  Her pediatrician, Dr. Wirkus, did an echocardiogram and sent her to a heart specialist, Dr. Jerry Jou at the Primary Children's Hospital.  She also just a couple months later (in December 2 years ago) developed Raynoud's Syndrome.  During Christmas vacation, Hannah showed me her toes and they were very swollen and blackish purple.  We went to her pediatrician, a podiatrist, a vascular surgeon, and a Rheumatologist to try to get her toes taken care of. 

During this time of seeing so many doctors the Rheumatologist ordered a TON of labs for Hannah.  This was a blessing.  We found out that she has Hashimoto's Syndrome.  This has to do with her thyroid.  During all this time it was being very stressful on Hannah.  I felt so bad and I was nervous for my poor little girl as well.  I was grateful to be in a big city with the best doctors close by.  We were already spending so much time going to appointment after appointment, I can only imagine how much more difficult it would have been if we would have had to travel distance to a big city for care several times a week. 

We did find out that her heart was beating normal, that her sinus

Saturday, September 20, 2014

End of the year flowers, I sure did enjoy you guys!

This was pretty much the end of the season for my flowers.  I just wanted to take a picture at the end of the season to see how much they had grown.  I think they grew quite a bit.  I REALLY enjoyed having them.  They were like little rays of sunshine or little friends that grew up over the 4 to 5 months I got to enjoy them.  I just loved every time I drove to or from the house to look at them.  They represent such beauty to me.  I was grateful for the smiles they gave me. 
I had more pictures but unfortunately I deleted them from my phone forgetting that I had not downloaded them yet.  I'm so thankful I got these pictures.
It will be fun to compare these with next years.  Hopefully I can add even more.  I'm going to see if the hostas will come back and even just cut off the tops of all the other plants to see if by some slim chance they will come back as well.  It would sure save a lot of time and money.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Fix

Well, Derek got a few stitches.  Hopefully this will heal quickly.  You sure are brave son!  I love you and I'm impressed with how you are handling this. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Derek's leg

 not sure what this is, but we are going to the urgent care tomorrow

Well.  We went to the urgent care Sunday morning.  The doctor there thought it was a "pyogenic granuloma".   I looked it up on line and it looked like the pictures there.  But he didn't think it was infected . . .

He wanted us to go see a dermatologist.  We went and she took 3 layers of biopsy.  We were so grateful for anesthesia!  She said it was DEFINITELY infected.  (I thought so)  She put him on an antibiotic called Minocyline 1 pill 2 times a day and  to apply 1 time a day and a vinegar soak of 1 C warm water, 2 T white vinegar compress daily.  She had to put in 3 or 4 stitches.  It looked like he should have had a lot more (to cut down on scaring) but she didn't know if she would have to open him up again to take out more infection when we saw her on the follow up. 

We got the biopsy pathology report back really quick.  The doctor called and said that she had good news.  She said that it was not cancer. (I was concerned that it could have been, but was not overly so)  The doctor said that it was a Molluscum Contagosum.  Yes, I have never heard of that either.  She said that it was ulcerated, and a virus, staff infection.

I am so grateful for health insurance.  I am also grateful once again for a job that gives me such extreme flexibility to take my kids to the doctors (which seem to be frequently lately - I will update Hannah's health on this family history/journal/blog as well in another post)  I am SO grateful that Derek did not have cancer. 

I love Derek so much and am glad that I can still be a part of taking care of this amazing young man.  He is growing up so fast.  I see so much good in him.  I love to be a part of his life.  He is a brave, kind, dedicated, spiritual, hard working young man who has a strong sense of right and wrong and a strong moral compass and enjoys doing good even when it is not cool or popular.  I am grateful for him and his early convictions to not only do good, but to be good. 

I love you Derek.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Just a fun day with the boys

 As you can tell, Derek LOVES pictures! (Not! :)  Derek is with his besties, Nick, Sam, Koda and Hannah is in front of the truck.
Getting ready for a "Nerd night".  They love these night.  Dungeon and Dragons :) So grateful for Derek's awesome friends.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Recipe: Clam Chowder recipe

Ok, so there wasn't a lot in the bowl, but it was so good, it was hard not to eat it all.  This is another great recipe from the Six Sisters.  I got it off their web site.  It makes me excited for fall.  Soup is always better when its cold outside.  I still really need to get my kids in the picture!


4 (6 oz) cans chopped clams including juice
1 can cream of mushroom soup
3 potatoes peeled and chopped and diced
2 stalks celery diced
2 t minced garlic
1 onion diced
6 strips of bacon, cooked and diced
1 1/2 t dried basil
1 1/2 t dried thyme
1 bay leaf
salt and pepper to taste
3 cups half and half

Add clams and juice to slow cooker.  Add cream of mushroom soup, celery, garlic, onion, cooked bacon, basil, thyme and bay leaf.  Mix thoroughly.  Cook 4 hours.  Add half and half and cook another hour.  Take out bay leaf before serving. 

I serve with sour dough bread.  Loved this recipe.

Flying to Lewiston ID (by Moscow ID) for work

I took these pictures on my phone specifically to email to my Mom one morning at work.  This is the Lewiston Idaho airport which is very close to Moscow Idaho where she grew up.  Some day I would like to take her and have a memory day just visiting old memories and places together.  I blow a kiss every time I go here for her.  I love you Mom!

Derek's wonderful day, no braces!

 Derek couldn't wait to get his braces off the moment he got them on over 2 years ago!  This week was the week!  He wanted to have one of his favorite foods that he had not been able to have for that long 2 years, corn on the cob!  He of course had corn but we had to cut it off the cob which of course takes some of the enjoyment out so now he can enjoy to the fullest! 

He looks so handsome and is a whole lot more comfortable now!  I sure do love you son!