Thursday, July 9, 2015

New entertainment center

 We finally found an entertainment center for our living room.  It had to be relatively small because of the extreme limited space.  I really love this!

 I was struggling with how to decorate this.  My mom gave me a great idea!  She said to make it personal so the kids would love seeing it.  She suggested photocopying these great pictures.  Derek loves music is a talented composer so we copied a page of one of his songs and Hannah is a talented artist.  I love her idea.  It really helps to make our house more a home.  I love to show off my talented kid's work.  Thank you to my wise mother.
 Here is a close up of Derek's composition.
 Here is a close up of Hannah's art.  I hope to get more of her art and hang more of it through the house.
Ok.  This is not of the entertainment center, but I was just able to use old things we already had and help this dresser out.  Although I wish I could make this one more personal as I did with the entertainment center.  I also think it needs some softening . . .