Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Derek's Eagle

A proud moment for us all.

 The pins that I got as a scout's mom.

So incredibly proud of Derek.  He is an amazing young man.  He does many things that are right and good.  This was one of those things.  He did this not because he enjoyed it necessarily, but because once again, it was right and it was good.  I am so grateful he sees the value of adding this value to his character at such a young age.  He is drawn to things that are right, good, kind, and what our Heavenly Father wants him to do, not just what he wants to do.  He is a wonderful example of character.

Speaking of characters, here, in the picture above this one are some of his good friends, Sam, Karl, and Nick.  What wonderful young men to come and support Derek!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

My new project of learning to crochet

I am learning how to crochet.  It is actually being quite fun.  I can't wait to learn new things.  I want to be able to make fun things for my kids and eventual grand kids

I love this hat, it reminds me of an ice cream cone.  I am going to try to crochet a bunch of fun hats to donate to some sort of shelter or school.

This hat was my first attempt at a hat.  I think it turned out pretty well for my first attempt.  I also learned how to make these flowers which were surprisingly easy.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Lion King with Nick

Our spirit son, Nick, was in his Junior High play as Scar in The Lion King.  Derek and a couple of his friends and I went to see his wonderful play.  This is also some of his family on his mother's side.  Hannah and I went the next day as well.

This is Shylee, Derek, Nick and Leah.

This was an absolutely WONDERFUL time for Nick.  He really loves plays.  He was great in it and very fun to watch.  I am so glad we could see it and share in his happiness.

Next are some pictures of the play.

Here is the Hannah day!  We LOVED it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Book of Mormon challenge

Hannah started this challenge with me when she was in high school and now Derek and I are doing it together.  This year we have included Grandma Smith.  The challenge is to read the Book of Mormon in a month, the month of March.

We did it!  This is a great testimony builder.  I was grateful that my mom accepted the challenge to do this with us.  It makes what we do even better when others we love do it with us.  I am grateful for faithful parents who love the Lord and have a firm testimony in our Savior Jesus Christ and His gospel.  I love that they want to be involved in our lives.  I am grateful for their examples to me of Chirst like love, and that Derek and Hannah can always count on them.  They are true giants to us!