Saturday, April 22, 2017

Junior Prom

 Junior prom! Great group of kids!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Hannah and Mom visit to Seattle

 This was a visit that Hannah and I took while Derek was gone on his high school tour to San Diego.  This picture that is framed of Hannah is above her Grandpa Ely's bed.  It was a very tender thing for her to see.  She took this picture of it.  It means so much to her.  I am so grateful to have such wonderful Grandparents who love my kids so much.  Both Hannah and Derek have always felt such a strong love from their grandparents.  We are so blessed.  Grandpa Ely really does try to make us feel special when ever we come to see him.  We sure do love him!

 What a wonderful day.  I hope that Hannah can remember always the profound love that all of her grandparents have for her and will always have for her.
 This is Hannah up in a fun tree house!

 A great swing outside of Grandpa's house.

We also went to visit Grandma Rita but I am very sad to say that I did not get any pictures this trip.

We also visited with Grandma and Grandpa Smith but I did not get any pictures there as well...  I will have to do better the next times we go, which I hope and pray will be often!

We love you all! Thank you for loving us!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Derek's Junior High School band tour to San Diego

Derek had the wonderful opportunity to go to San Diego with his high school band, orchestra and choir groups.  He had a most amazing time.  This is the itinerary of his fun trip.