Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hannah's monthly party with her friends at our house

Hannah and her buddies for her time to host her friend's movie and dinner night at our house. It was a bit hit. They had a wonderful time. I am so glad that Hannah has made such good friends. Friends are such an important part of our lives. I'm glad to put these great memories into our family history.
They are all so pretty and so kind too.

The two buddies. I am so glad that they are friends. I hope that the importance of family through our many visits to our family, this record (blog), our family movie nights, doing chores together, laughing together etc will stay with them thoughout their lives as they get older and have their own families. I hope that they will make time to call each other and visit to keep close family ties as we have with our extendend family as they have grown up.

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