Sunday, May 1, 2011

Great family dinner

- We had a great family dinner tonight. The food was pretty darn good, we had bbq sandwiches, corn, tomatoes, home made baked beans, & home made strawberry pie. Yes, all very tasty, but it was more than that. Hannah & I made the dinner together. Yes, she has helped me before to make dinner & I love it when I can spend as much & any time I can with Derek & Hannah.

It was so heavenly to be with Hannah making dinner together. We made two dishes that two family members gave us the recipes for. I love to have those kind of recipes, it gives me great memories of times spent with family members that love us. The food is even better when the great memories are combine with great food.

Derek & David enjoyed dinner also. Traditions, spending time with family just having every day activities, but loving those times & not treating them lightly or casually. Enjoying them fully treating them with respect & reverence for they are truly fragile in so many ways. The smiles we receive, the hugs we share the dinners we eat together & so many other seemingly ordinary moments (which should not be treated as ordinary at all) are the precious jewels we are collecting while waiting for the "great"moments to wow us. Not knowing that those "wow" moments we are waiting to impress us are quietly happening all around us if we will chose to see.

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