Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fun in Lakewood with Grandma and Grandpa and Andy

Here is a picture of a dragonfly that Hannah took. I am NOT very fond of bugs AT ALL but there are a few that I like. Dragonflies are one of them, along with fireflies, lady bugs, potato bugs, but there are not many more I can add to the list.

Hannah and Mom's feet in the creek, another fun picture by Hannah. I am always so grateful to Grandma Rita to share so much with us, at this moment especially her shoes! These shoes I am wearing are great for the creek so I can get them wet if needed and she is always so excited and happy to share so much with us. Thank you Grandma Rita!
A great shot at the creek by Hannah, great perspective sweetie!

Hannah and Mom down at the creek, I was actually on the phone with David at the time sharing our experiences with him.

Hannah got this picture of a salmon. We also saw a seal going after it but couldn't get the picutre. It was so great to see that, how amazing, I don't know very many people who have seen a seal catching a salmon in the wild. We are so blessed. And especially to be able to share these memories together as a family.

This was a place dedicated to the Chinese people. There was a time in history when the Chinese people of Washington, specifically in Tacoma, were treated very poorly and were driven out of the city and their homes were burned. The people of Tacoma wanted to make things right and appologize as much as they could for this. They build a beautiful, peaceful area in the city that we were privilaged to visit and share together.

This was our "Solomon's and Winkle's" rock taken from the fabulous stories that my Dad used to tell me and my brothers and sister and that I have told to my kids.

What a great shot! I love this picture. This place had great plants for this time of year close to to Halloween. The plants were called the "wicked plants" as they were all poisoness, beautiful but poisonous which made it fun to look at.

Out with Grandpa in his element, plant heaven! This was a beautiful place.

Derek and Andy asleep in the car, snoring loudly as you can see

Derek and Andy with the truly scary, dangerous carniverous plants, AHHHHH

Derek shares a love for birds with his Grandpa. He loves to visit them. While we were there this time Grandpa bought 2 button quails. Derek loves the calm feeling he gets when he is with the birds and takes care of them.

Hannah and Andy feeding the amazing fish.

More traditions, we love to feed Grandpa's awsome fish. He has the most amazing fish. They are huge and so beautiful. We are so lucky to have such awsome relatives that love us!

As I have probably said before, this is a tradition my kids LOVE. Derek and Andy got the fire going and Derek loves to make s'mores for everyone. I hope that they remember at least some of these things we have done together. I hope that this blog will help their memory.

We love silly, I think my kids invented it, and I LOVE it.

Hannah and Mom being crazy together.

The He-men helping Grandpa clean out the pond.

Yes, that is Mom helping the boys come in, be afraid, be very afraid. But I came, I conquered, I saved them, with much yelling, screaming and little faith on the boys part that I could in fact rescue them.

Derek showing great ballance, the "Karate Kid" in the making. (old 80's movie)

Mom in her element, nature, just kidding, she is not much of a nature lover but she sure does love Grandpa's pond and his creek and spending time with us.

Andy had to pull us in while I held on for dear life and exercised faith that we would not fall in the pond. Fortunately my faith was strong enough and we did not fall in the pond! Yeah!

This is a good picure of Andy. This is how he is, excited and happy, he is a very happy person and I love to be around him.

I like to canoe with Andy. We get to canoe together almost every time I come out to visit with Grandpa. I am glad I can make memories with my family and my adopted family, Andy. Those canoes are sure hard to get in and out the pond. I am glad that Andy is such a great help and so strong.

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