Sunday, December 25, 2011


Hannah's very favorite book series. She was so excited to get this.

Koda was a bit nervous and kept sitting on my neck. She sat there on my neck for almost the entire morning. The cuddling was a bit awkward but we loved it.

Still sitting on my neck, wish it was on my lap...

Derek loves this game. He first started playing this at school. It is good because it is a 2 player game. It is so wonderful to see the happy grateful faces when they open their gifts. I can really feel their excitement.

Koda, still on me, she was quite nervous this day and had to sit on me the whole time. I loved it though.

I think this is what made Koda nervous. David and Derek sure had fun with these nerf guns. Much laughter and fun yelling and dodging of soft bullets flying through the air.

This was a stained glass piece that David's dad gave to him. It is quite beautiful. I love stained glass.

Hannah's new shoes. I love your smile sweetie.

This was a picture of Hannah holding up the present from Grandma and Grandpa Smith of the shoes she got in the picture above. She loves these shoes, great job Grandma and Grandpa!

More pictures of her favorite book series. She also loves Alice in Wonderland. She got that last Christmas.

One of Koda's Christmas presents. It was a dog treat in the shape of a Christmas Wreath, I know, so cute.
Before Koda opened the dog treat

A wonderful boy present, a nerf gun! He loves to have nerf wars!
A great day together as a family.

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