Sunday, January 8, 2012

Great Sunday with my family

We had a great day together. Derek was able to go do fast offerings this morning before church. I am so glad that he wants so much to do what is right. I love t0 see him pass the sacrament each week. He has a genuine love of doing what's right & love & kindness.

I am the 6 & 7 year olds in Primary. I sure do love them. I brought cookies for one of the little girls birthday. We got cookies that had words printed/frosted on each one. They said, ” happy 7th birthday to Addie”. I also got a bunch of great toys from a local dollar stores. Hannah & Derek helped me to wrap them. We also made a great poster with glitter witting to tell her happy birthday on it. We went together & hung it on her family's garage door. I am so grateful Derek & Hannah love to help me.

We had a great dinner together too. We had pork chops with stuffing & cream if chicken soup gravy. Hannah & Derek love it & Hannah is becoming quite the cook. She really loves to cook. Just the other day wert had another great dinner that we got the recipe from my sister-in-law, Kelly. It is chicken curry over rice.

ok, back to today. We played a great new game we got for Christmas. It is a spin on the game Clue, it's called ” Kill. Dr. Lucky”. Hannah beat Derek & I twice!

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