Saturday, August 11, 2012

One of my favorite pictures!

This is a picture of my incredible Mom.  I just love this picture.  She seems so free and child like.  She once told me that her favorite non LDS song is, "Wonderful World".  I can so see that in her.  She is such an amazing example in so many ways.  I thank my Heavenly Father for such a perfect mother for me.

Ok, this picture was sent to me by one of my favorite people in the whole world!  My Mom's sister, Aunt Liz.  I feel so blessed that all my favorite people are members of my family.  So often on TV and movies, family members are made out to be weird, mean, just plain not what you would want to hang around with.  I am blessed with quite the opposite, I wish I could spend MORE time with my truly amazing family.

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