Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hannah's Sweet 16th Birthday party!

 Starting to make Hannah's Star Wars birthday blanket
 Hannah helped me to tie her own birthday blanket.  She saw me starting it and immediately jumped in and volunteered to help me.  We had a great time tying this blanket together. 
 Here is the awesome Star Wars blanket completed
 Hannah even did her own decorations. 

 Sabrina, Trista, Brandon, Derek, Faith, Abby, Hannah, and Jonny
 Derek and Brandon on the couch, Faith on the floor

 Hannah, Sam, Thane, Mary Schmuhl, and Randy

 On the chair with the orange, white and black gun, Jonny

 Standing up by the door, Mary, Sam, Randy, sitting on the floor, Thane, and on the couch, Brandon
A last look at her sweet 16 bash

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