Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break March 2013

There are the boats they use to go by the falls, it was too cold to even have this option.  I honestly don't know if I would be brave enough to do this, although my kids might have helped me find my courage.
We were able to walk across the falls, so to speak, it was amazing but very windy, as you can see.  This gave me such a pleasant memory and giggle to remember the story my Dad would tell me of his and my Mom's experience here.  They drove all the way across the country with some of my Mom's sisters, I believe it was Aunt Chris and Aunt Muriel.  They would have been around Hannah's age at the time.  Dad said that when they got to Niagara Falls the girls would not get out of the car, he could not believe that they would miss out on such an awesome opportunity so he promptly picked them both up and took them yelling and giggling to see the view.  You go Dad!  I wish I could have been there to giggle too at that  sight.  Who knows, maybe Derek, Hannah and I were up in Heaven with our pop corn giggling ourselves.
You can see the area in the back ground to the left of Derek where you can walk out over the falls
Here is the International Boarder line, Derek on the Canadian side and Hannah on the United States side.

Great scenery shot, thank you to Derek

We were having fun joking around that this was the mighty Niagara Falls. 

Wow, so beautiful, also very loud.  Talk about needing to count our blessings, we have seen so much beauty and had so much fun together all over the United States.  I feel so blessed to share these memories with my kids. 

 Hannah and I with a "selfie"
 Just before we crossed over to Canada

Over on the Canadian side.  By the way, I can't believe how tall Derek is getting!

With another of my best friends enjoying a great view and appreciating the power of something that can be so tranquil yet have so much power.  Parts of the falls were still frozen!  I was wondering if it ever got hot here, the locals assured me that it does, in a big way.  Although it was so cold and windy, I'm glad I wasn't there for the 101 degree with a 1000 percent humidity!
Yes, Derek was standing on something, he is tall, just not that tall . . . yet  Check back with us in 6 months!

Beautiful Hannah enjoying the view with us

Another great shot Derek!  We are looking back over to the United States side of the Falls

At the horseshoe end of the Falls

Up in the tourist side in Canada by the shops looking out over the Falls over to the right.
Back over to the United States side.

I think this is a "wow" shot.  I love it.

Had to add another "wow" to the shot, Derek

And another wow!
At this point we were all just about frozen and our feet were just about give out.  But we all had great memories starting to percolate in our hearts.

And on to our second day.  We drove to Palmyra New York.  It was about an hour and a half drive from Buffalo, where we were staying.  I am SO grateful for GPS.  Without it, I would not have had the courage to drive all that distance.  That is definitely not one of my gifts.  The drive was easy and hardly any traffic. 

This is a shot of Hannah and I in front of the little visitor center before going on the tour of the Joseph Smith family farm.  Palmyra has been on my "list" of places to take the kids.  I thought and hoped that this would be a great time to go as their ages were very close to Joseph Smith's at the time of his first vision.  Derek 13 1/2 and Hannah 16.  I hope that this memory and significance stays with them more so than any other trip we have taken.

Joseph Smith's family's home

pictures inside the family home

This is an antique Bible to signify that the family was a very religious family.
Views of the Sacred Grove from the Smith Family home

Still inside the Joseph Smith family home

Upstairs where Joseph Smith had his visit from the Angel Moroni
still upstairs in that same room
And, still upstairs in the same room

I love this picture of us.  It is a very special room.  So blessed to be here.  I hope and pray we all remember the feelings of this moment.

Outside the Joseph Smith family home

This was the well outside their home

Looking out at the Temple from the Sacred Grove

More of a close up of this view
A place where they kept equipment and also a place Joseph hid the plates one time.  He hid them in a shirt up on a shelf and the mob came in and tore up the building at eye level but never looked up to see the golden plates.  Kind of an object lesson, look up!

The home that Alvin had started to build for his family.  He was not able to complete it before he died.  This home is 85 percent original.  The big tall tree on the right of the home (the furthest one back) is a tree that the family planted in honor of him.

Their barn where they kept more farm equipment.

Us just outside of the family home that Alvin began with the tree in the background.
A better picture of the tree planted for Alvin
Inside the home
The box on the dresser is a replica of the box Joseph Smith used to keep the Golden Plates in
A close up view of the box.
These were original bricks  that were in the home.

In the dining room/kitchen together.
In front of Alvin's tree
Outside of their barn
Inside the barn

Where they had their bee keeping place to make honey

Outside the Sacred Grove

Derek walking in the Sacred Grove
Next we went to see where the Book of Mormon was first published.

The Book of Mormon is currently in print for 108 languages.  Several more languages have been translated but are currently not in print.

The people who published the first 5,000 Book of Mormons
One of the original Book of Mormons

The area where the Book of Mormon was printed.

These were found in the building and are thought to have been one of the original ink blotters to put the ink for printing.
Still inside the Book of Mormon publishing building

Pressing the book together

These were the actual paintings of these famous pictures.  Interesting, that this artist was not a member of the church.

Hannah in front of the Palmyra Temple.  It was unfortunately closed while we were there.  We were going to do baptisms. 

Wish we could have gone in. . .

Outside the visitor center for the Hill Cummorah
Another of the original 5,000 Book of Mormons. 
Love the stain glass. 
Derek at the top of the Hill Cummorah

 At the top of the Hill Cummorah
 Derek wanting to roll down the hill.  This does not give proper perspective, the hill was no less than a 90 degree, I know because I hiked it straight up, straight up!  Looking back I should have took the switch backs.
 A truly beautiful sunset to add to our amazing place we were at.
 Derek, I just love you!


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