Friday, June 7, 2013

Flower day

These 2 are the before pictures.  I wish I would have taken pictures of all the beds before I did all the weeding. 

This is the between stage.  The between stage because I am going to put beauty bark on it to make it look even better. 

I also took pictures to show the size and to compare it in a couple months to see how much they will grow and see if they spread.

 These I transplanted from another bed.  I hope they survive.  The flamingos are a reminder of a joke that David played on our very good friends and neighbors.  They just recently moved.  David loved to play jokes on them and one of them was to put these flamingos on their yard.  They brought them back when they left. Ha ha.
 And of course, Koda kept wanting to be in the picture.

Much much better.  Although, it took me almost 3 hours to do.  I think that I should do this every day, it was a good work out with the shoveling and bending down.  Ok, maybe not every day. . . .

This is after David put about 25 bags of beauty bark down.  It is amazing how much better it makes it look.

I actually had a hard time getting Koda out of the pictures.  She wanted to be right by me the whole time.  Which I like, but she kept getting in the pictures and as you can tell, she doesn't exactly pose.

As you can tell, I love hostas and impatients.  (How ever you spell it)  But later, and not much later I found out that my yard is not as shady as I though.  I ended up having to transplant all the hostas and impatients from the front of the house to this spot right over here.

The flowers just about spontaneously combusted from the sun.
This is now the middle of July for these next pictures.
These were flowers that I bought that said for full sun at Home Depot.  Maybe they meant full sun in Seattle.

These look pretty good.  I think we need more beauty bark, sorry David.  Or maybe I'll just have to go out myself and get it.  It looks like the plants in the back  have grown quite a bit since I first planted them.

 I hope these plants on the left come back to life over here.  This area is in just about full shade the whole day.

I can see that I really need more beauty bark.  I also trimmed the bushes behind the flowers so that it didn't look so messy.  The bush was kind of scragely.  I didn't want the lower branches to take away from being able to see the beautiful flowers.
Well, I hope I'm done with the transplanting.  I've learned a lot from this summers planting and look forward to next year where I'm sure I'll have opportunities for more learning . . .

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