This entry will not be without tears. I wish that I were better at writing to pay the tribute that my parents deserve. This will not convey nearly the emotion I feel and eloquence of what my parents deserve.
I have had my parents on my mind so much. I love them so dearly. They are truly extraordinary ordinary people. You would never know them from others in the crowd. They have never aspired to be famous, receive worldly awards or acclaim from others. They have done much in their lives outside of their families but they have never boasted of that, they hardly even discuss it. Even if you asked they would not elaborate on what incredible things they have done. This seems to be such a rare quality. With so many people that I am around, I hear so much of what they have done to make them appear to be important. It seems to be such a need for the natural man. My parents are unique in that they do not have this problem in the slightest. I find that it makes it so much easier to be around them.
I miss them so much. The phrase, "they have been there for me" is such a trite, over used and inadequate phrase but, that is what they have done for me and my children. Even through the miles apart I feel them always. I know without a doubt that they love me, no matter what. This is such a fleeting gift that many children weather young or old are not blessed with. It is such a tremendous blessing that I will never take for granted.
I wish that I could see them every day. They are truly my friends. I care about them deeply. They mean so much to me. They see the best in me and i can feel it with all my heart. I want to be better every time I am with them, talk with them, or think about them. I miss them so much. My father has Alzheimer's and I miss him. He is usually very social and loves people and his family. He still loves his family so much but is having a hard time remembering the younger grandchildren. Many times he is withdrawn and that is so different from his normal self.
I wish that I could go just to visit with them, and to help out to go grocery shopping, to be companionable with them. They have done so so much for me, I could never even begin to repay them. Their examples to me are incalculable and so far reaching. They are they most pure examples of Christlike love that I have ever experienced. If I could be like them, I know that I would be following the Savior, because they truly are. They have no guile and no pride as so many do.
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