Sunday, December 15, 2013

Fun Day in the Snow

 Here is Hannah and Derek with Koda chasing after them.  Koda was LOVING to chase after them.  It was so cold.  I don't know how Hannah did it without gloves.  She was having an amazing time though, and that always helps.
 Derek was enjoying helping out our neighborhood.  David has been teaching him how to use the four wheeler to push the snow.  He has plowed quite a few of our neighbor's drive ways, most of the sidewalks and the church parking lot, MANY times this year and even since this day has done it again.  We have been "blessed" (depending on how you look at it) with quite a bit of snow this past month.

 Wonderful happy kids

I am so glad that Derek can help and have fun being of service to our family and our neighbors!

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