Sunday, October 5, 2014

Meeting Chloe Jane Ferrin

This is our first experience with our friends, the Ferrin's new baby daughter, Chloe Jane.  This couple are phenomenal.  They are so strong in Christlike attributes.  I am so grateful they have adopted us.  They are so young but already reach out and have such a firm foundation. 
Hannah thoroughly loved holding this precious baby.  She is SO pretty.  Her mother is Katie and her dad is Stuart.  They have invited us over for dinner and games several times and the kids really connect with this couple.  I am so grateful for all the righteous fun influences that we can get! 
I just had to get in this shot of Derek and Stuart.  They love to play their games together.  It is great to see them have good wholesome fun.  Stuart is such a good example and mentor for Derek.

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