Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Derek and Sam at the new Provo Temple

The Young Men and Young Women of our Ward went to the open house for the new Provo Temple this evening.  I pleaded with Derek to get a picture for me.  (He is SO tired of pictures, I think I have gone overboard in that area in his life - sorry son I say sheepishly)

Derek says that this is his new favorite Temple.  He said it was beautiful.  It is so important that we flood our lives with not only good experiences but great experiences and to have spiritual experiences be of paramount importance in frequency in our lives.  I have tried to adopt this principle in the lives of my kids.  I pray that each of my kids will remember the spiritual experiences and great experiences we have shared together and those they have had on their own and with others.  That can provide a shield and protection, a type of bubble wrap and soft, peaceful, safe place to remember when there are trials in their lives which we all have and must go through.  As we have been told the road to discipleship is not for the faint of heart.  (That was a quote from a former Prophet, it is paraphrased and I can't remember which right now)

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