Thursday, November 25, 2010


We ended up staying home for the first time in a couple years for Thanksgiving. We were going to Las Vegas to celebrate with David's brother, Dan and his family. We love to visit with them. They have 5 kids that mine are sandwiched right in between and they have so much fun together. They are some of the nicest kids that I have ever met. We sure do miss them, especially today.
We had some great food, David did a great job with most of the cooking. Derek made great jello and the fabulous drink, Hannah made amazing chocolate chip cookies. (that she made a tripple batch and we froze so we are doing our best not to wolf down in one giant gulp, our goal is to make the tripple batch last at least one day, I mean a week, no maybe we can even make it last a mont-who am I kidding...)

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