Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Derek's school projects

Derek had quite a few projects to do this year in school. He had to make a diorama of a Colosseum to depict Roman time. He and David did Roman soldiers fighting tigers.

Actually Derek and David made this project last year but I am including this with this years so that I get it in (and cause I missed putting in last year). Derek and David built an Electricity circuit. This is what he typed:

1. This project demonstrates how electricity travels through a circuit.

2. I am going to assemble my Choice Card which matches the shapes with the words by touching the ends of the test probes to the metal studs. If you match the shape with the correct word, the bulb will light up.

3. I connect the black wire from the light to the battery and the red wire from the battery is a test probe that will connect the circuit.

4. (Connect the wires to show the light works.)

5. Electricity will flow when the correct wires are connected and the circuit becomes live. (Show some examples by matching)

Here is the project and you can see the shape and words that will match up along with the metal studs beside the words and the shape.

The light is actually lit up, it is hard to tell but it is.

Here is the project of Derek's research on William Shakespear. He traced and colored the picture of Shakespear. He also had a report he researched of his life and contributions.

This was a project of Hades. Derek drew the picture of Hades and the symbol that he held. He typed out the facts about him and the powers that Hades has.

This is another shot of the Hades project.

This was a project of Derek's that Hannah helped him with. He was to make a 3 foot drawing of a person in the midevil times. This is a monk. The kids got a big kick out of this monk. Derek really enjoyed this project. He did a great job. It is great that we can save these projects through pictures.

And yes, Koda wanted to be in on the picture so bad. She loves being part of our family. We sure do love having her a part of our family.

It is quite amazing to watch my children grow and mature and learn and teach me. I love to be involved in all their school projects and I am so glad that they want me to be a part of them also. Thank you kids!

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