Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Young Women's

Hello. It's me, Hannah. I have just gotten back and I really wanted to share what we did for Young Women's. Tonight was the Stake YW kickoff for the year. The theme this year is "Let Your Light So Shine" and so for an activity, we made paper lanterns and wrote our names on them as a promise to share our light with others. Once everyone wrote their name on them, we took the paper lanterns outside, lit them, and watched them as they gently flew up and up. As we watched them, we sang "The Spirit of God."
My feelings were very good tonight. I felt the spirit and I can't really explain my feelings quite correctly in words. I just felt a peace and calming feeling as they talked about the theme and especially when we sang and watched the lanterns float up.
It was a lot like the scene in Tangled when they lit the lanterns, only there were only four lanterns....

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