Saturday, June 11, 2011

My awesome kids

I just came inside to spend as much time as I can with Hannah. I was outside with Derek & his friend, Sam, enjoying watching them play track ball. Koda came outside with us & was being pretty good at first but then she stared playing keep away with the boys. They sure did have a fabulous time playing track ball. I was so glad they wanted me to share in the fun. What a privilege.

Then I came inside to be with Hannah. She has been very busy this week with work at a Day Care, volunteering at the library, babysitting, helping to organize, clean, & pack a neighbors house to help them move, & the last 3 days . . . Youth Conference. Youth conference has been at least 12 hours a day & today she had to be at the church at 5:30 am to walk 13 miles to the Salt Lake Temple. She did an amazing job with that & was ready to go even further! Derek & I met her at the temple along with the other youths families as a surprise. Then we went for a devotional in the Visitor Center. Then my marathoner went on to a swim party, talk about some energy!

The parents were asked ahead of time to write a letter of or love & encouragement for them to open half way through their walk. I love writing notes/letters to Hannah & Derek so I was so excited to do this for Hannah.

As I was sitting next to Hannah tonight at home Koda came and curled up in my lap. She is just like a little kid, she wants me to hold her a lot & she wants to sit on my lap & follows me all over the house wanting pets & hugs along the way.

It is so nice & powerful to be loved.

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