Friday, June 10, 2011

Primary activity

Derek & I had a great opportunity today. I am his primary teacher. In Primary we have been saving money we have been earning as a group by reading scriptures as a family or on our own, helping our family out, & generally being of service. After a while of everyone working together my class was asked by the Primary Presidency to take the money & buy Book of Mormons to give to the missionaries.

Derek & his friend, Sam, & I went to the bank to exchange the pennies we all earned as a Primary for paper money as I don't think Seagull Book & Tape would want to count out a couple thousand pennies.

Today I took the whole class & bought 6 Book of Mormons. We will be able to take them to church and present them to the rest of the kids who helped earn them.

While we were at the store an impressive thing happened. I know it might not seem like much but I am convinced that, "by small and simple things great things come to pass." Derek was looking with his friends at some posters that were created for kids to have real heros to look up to. They thought the posters were pretty great. I asked Derek which poster was his favorite. He chose the poster of David & Goliath. I was so impressed & happy he wanted it. I helped him hang it in his room as soon as we got home. We decided to get more & change them every month. It's great when kids/teenagers are impressed by heroes that will help them get to the real treasure, home.

After we got the Book of Mormons we all went to Iceberg & got icecream. We had a great time!

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